Type of Service: Other
Rank of Commenter: Captain

It was good information. It was delivered in a very honest way which was good. With over 30 years in the fire service this is a must for the new generation.As a veteran the material reinforces good leadership and accountability. There have been many good changes to the culture of fire service during my career. I have some professional regrets that I saw chief officers condone the bad behavior and not put a stop to it. Now I am in a position to call those individuals on it when it happens. Fortunately those occurrences are less today. It also stupid and a liability to not admit recent mistakes. This just further erodes the public trust. The company officer is truly the parent or grown up that makes and aligns the line personnel with the mission of the department. At all levels we need to recognize what we do right, wrong and could do better. I would like to leave the fire service better than I found it. But it is a dynamic environment that needs leadership at all levels to be a success. It’s a work in progress. Take the unions opion as one of many perspectives. The line will get positive learning tools out of your class. Thank you

Maybe the fire service should be like elementary school and have you put away your phone in your locker since people can’t appropriately use them?

San Jose fire department
